How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Workforce

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Workforce

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the workplace. It offers immense potential for employers to enhance efficiency, decision-making, and overall performance. However, as AI is increasingly integrated into hiring decisions and other HR functions, employers...

Measuring and monitoring employee sentiment

Measuring and monitoring employee sentiment

How can your hospice organization find out what your employees are thinking? How do you know if your employees are satisfied? Dissatisfied? How do you know if employee satisfaction varies across different agencies in your organization? Do you have a systemic problem...

Leadership and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Leadership and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that can be used to provide leaders and organizations with guidance on how to motivate employees. But what is this hierarchy and what is Maslow’s theory? What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Maslow developed his theory on the...

Why is inclusive leadership important?

Why is inclusive leadership important?

Hospice agencies rely on the successful coordination of their teams to deliver quality care to their diverse customers and clients who have varying demands and needs. These teams are often highly diverse – with varying cultures, genders, and age ranges. But simply...

Can you deduct pay from a salaried exempt employee?

Can you deduct pay from a salaried exempt employee?

What is an exempt employee? Exempt workers are paid on a salaried basis. Salaried employees receive a prespecified amount of compensation each pay period. Their salary may not be reduced because of changes in the amount of work performed or because of changes in the...

How to Handle Unclaimed Wages

How to Handle Unclaimed Wages

How should an employer handle unclaimed wages? An employer may find that an employee fails to cash a paycheck. Most often, this occurs with the final pay check.  These “unclaimed wages” may not be treated as “found money.”  When an employee fails to pick up...

Is a worker an employee or an independent contractor?

Is a worker an employee or an independent contractor?

When should a worker be classified as an employee versus as an independent contractor? What is the difference between these two types of workers? Why is it important for a hospice agency to properly classify the workers who are providing services? Why is it important...

What is a Form I-9?

What is a Form I-9?

A Form I-9, also known as an Employment Eligibility Verification form, is a form required by the U.S. government for each employee.  The information on this form and its supporting documentation: Verifies the employee’s identity Verifies the employee’s...

How to give tough feedback to employees

How to give tough feedback to employees

Managers often avoid "uncomfortable" feedback discussions Managers often shy away from providing tough feedback to their employees. Or, if they do sit down for these difficult discussions with their employees, the discussions dissolve into arguments and finger...